beaker.middleware – Middleware classes

Module Contents

class beaker.middleware.CacheMiddleware(app, config=None, environ_key='beaker.cache', **kwargs)

Initialize the Cache Middleware

The Cache middleware will make a CacheManager instance available every request under the environ['beaker.cache'] key by default. The location in environ can be changed by setting environ_key.

dict All settings should be prefixed by ‘cache.’. This method of passing variables is intended for Paste and other setups that accumulate multiple component settings in a single dictionary. If config contains no cache. prefixed args, then all of the config options will be used to intialize the Cache objects.
Location where the Cache instance will keyed in the WSGI environ
All keyword arguments are assumed to be cache settings and will override any settings found in config
class beaker.middleware.SessionMiddleware(wrap_app, config=None, environ_key='beaker.session', **kwargs)

Initialize the Session Middleware

The Session middleware will make a lazy session instance available every request under the environ['beaker.session'] key by default. The location in environ can be changed by setting environ_key.

dict All settings should be prefixed by ‘session.’. This method of passing variables is intended for Paste and other setups that accumulate multiple component settings in a single dictionary. If config contains no cache. prefixed args, then all of the config options will be used to intialize the Cache objects.
Location where the Session instance will keyed in the WSGI environ
All keyword arguments are assumed to be session settings and will override any settings found in config